Nutrition Education and Food Demonstrations

Just Say Yes To Fruits and Vegetables

Learn to add more fruits and vegetables to your menu

Long Island Cares offers Just Say Yes to Fruits and Vegetables (JSY) nutrition education workshops and demos to help your community group, agency, or program better serve the community.

Funded by USDA’s Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP), JSY is New York’s premier nutrition program for people participating in SNAP. They are an equal opportunity provider.

Our workshops aim to prevent obesity and reduce long-term chronic disease risks by promoting increased fruit and vegetable consumption and are custom-tailored to meet your needs.


  • Tips for introducing more fruits, vegetables, and other nutritious foods into a menu
  • Stretching food dollars through meal planning
  • Kitchen Safety
  • Food Safety and storage tips
  • Using MyPlate to make healthy food choices
  • Reducing sugar-sweetened beverages
  • Healthy portion sizes
  • Increasing physical activity

If you are a Member Agency and want a JSY workshop, please fill out the inquiry form.

What are you most interested in learning?
Select all that apply


Food Safety